Spiderman, Spiderman, Does whatever a spider can. OPI Spider-man!

Have you seen the movie yet? Or plan to? Well prepare your nails with these amazing colours based on the comic. Spider-man was released in May though I was just able to get my hands on this limited edition box set now.

Unlike the other collections where I have bought the mini set, this mini set includes 4 instead of 6. However, I’m more pleased with these colours than the other collections I’ve bought. Especially Just Spotted the Lizard! Well…onto the colours!

Into the Night, is a pearly midnight blue. Though when I applied it, it seems to be more of a midnight indigo but I still love it!





Number One Nemesis, is a sparking silver. I didn’t try this one because it’s not as unique as the others.




 Just Spotted The Lizard! is a very unique colour! I bought this set  especially for this colour. A yellow-golden-green colour, this one  reminds me of lizards. I’m wearing it right now and I can’t stop checking out my nails!




Your Web or Mine? Looking for a cute pearly pink? 🙂


I tried on Just Spotted The Lizard! and Into The Night though I only took pictures of Just Spotted The Lizard!.  Sorry!


The picture above is with flash and the picture to the right is with no flash. With flash, it’s more of a golden colour but with no flash you can see more of the green tint.


The one colour I do want not included in this set is Shatter The Scales. It looks like a green-blue shatter but I’ll have to see when I get it!

So what do you think? Will you be going out to get this collection or do you already have it?

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